
Color palette generationColor palette generation


Discover Khroma, the AI-powered color tool for designers. Find and save your favorite color combinations and palettes, customized to your preferences. Train the algorithm, filter unwanted colors, and explore infinite possibilities. Search, filter, and save combinations in your own library. Get inspired by curated palettes from Lucie Bajgart on the Khroma Instagram page. Unleash the power of personalized color combinations with Khroma.

About Khroma

Welcome to Khroma, the AI-powered color tool for designers. With Khroma, designers can quickly discover and save their favorite color combinations and palettes. Our personalized algorithm learns from your color preferences, generating limitless palettes just for you, all within your browser.

With Khroma, you have the power to train the neural network algorithm to generate colors that you love and filter out the ones you don't. Explore an infinite number of color combinations, presented as typography, gradients, palettes, or even custom images. Our tool has learned from thousands of popular human-made palettes across the internet, ensuring that you have access to great combinations.

Search and filter the color generator based on hue, tint, value, color, or hex and RGB values. Furthermore, you can save your favorite combinations into an unlimited library. Access information such as color names, hex codes, RGB values, CSS codes, and WCAG accessibility ratings for each pair.

For inspiration, check out our Khroma Instagram page, curated by and featuring the work of Lucie Bajgart. With Khroma, designers are just a few minutes away from a powerful color combination generator personalized to their preferences. Explore the world of colors with Khroma and elevate your design projects today.


Color palette generation
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