GPT Hotline
Connect with the world's smartest AI on WhatsApp with GPT Hotline. Easily message, search, and share past conversations, and use special commands for images, videos, and news. Access the world's most advanced chatbot with ChatGPT, and even send voice messages in English. Get 20% off the GPT Pro Plan for the first month. Register your number and start chatting today!
About GPT Hotline
Welcome to GPT Hotline, the AI-powered messaging assistant that brings the world's smartest AI to your WhatsApp experience, hassle-free! Say goodbye to downloading apps or bookmarking websites - with GPT Hotline, you can connect with our advanced AI right within your favorite messaging app.
GPT Hotline makes messaging the AI a breeze. You can easily send messages, search and share past conversations, and even use special commands to fetch images, videos, and news. Powered by ChatGPT, the most advanced chatbot in the world, GPT Hotline brings cutting-edge AI capabilities right to your fingertips.
But that's not all - with GPT Hotline, you can also send voice messages to the AI using the Speech To Text functionality (currently available in English only). Simply speak your message, and GPT Hotline will respond with its intelligent insights.
To start using GPT Hotline, all you need to do is sign up for our GPT Pro Plan. Once registered with your phone number, you can start texting your AI assistant right away. And here's a special offer: use the code provided to enjoy a 20% discount on your first month's subscription to the pro plan. Plus, if you ever change your mind, don't worry - you can cancel your subscription anytime and get a refund through our convenient Subscription Portal.