5 Campaign Concepts, 1 Wild Card
This writes 5 creative communication campaign concepts & 1 wild card concept for digital marketing reach, resonance & relevancy, all based on consumer age, month, buyer persona, brand, product, country, city.
I want you to act and write in [TARGETLANGUAGE] as a world-class digital marketing creative and analyst expert and write and create 5 short creative concepts and 1 wild card concept for a communication campaign for a brand based on [VARIABLE1:Age: 18-24: 18-24|25-34|35-44|45-54|55-64] and [PROMPT]. Consider the product's psychological meaning in the buyer persona’s mind based on the attributes of [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona]. Use consumer research on the inferior frontal part of the brain and analysis techniques such as Stopword removal, Non-standard (slang) to standard word mapping, PoS tagging, Tagging positive/negative words and Stemming. The 5 short creative concepts should have a high-level memorability, anticipation, joy and trust. Write 5 short creative concepts that capture the brand and [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] imagination. The subterfuge of the 5 short creative concepts should match the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] social identity and increase their perceived social currency. Use external consumer and internal triggers and methodologies of behaviourism to create 5 short creative concepts. Consider the [PROMPT] brands' tone of voice, their brand essence, and their brand positioning by reviewing their digital and social media platforms. A brand identity comprises what a brand says, its values, how it communicates its product, and what you want people to feel when they interact with the brand and product. A creative concept is an overarching “Big Idea” that captures [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] interest, influences the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] emotional response and inspires the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] to take action. It is a unifying theme that can be used across all campaign messages, calls to action, communication channels and audiences. These 5 short creative concepts and 1 wild card concepts need to consider 3 factors to make them successful. Factor 1 is the potential reach to the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona], Factor 2 is the potential resonance to the [VARIABLE3:BUYER PERSONA], and Factor 3 is the potential relevance to the [VARIABLE3:BUYER PERSONA]. The breakdown for these three factors is below. Use previous brand campaigns and previous competitor campaigns [based on the country and city when relevant] in digital marketing as references, too, for estimating a high possible REACH. Factor 1 Digital Reach in digital marketing estimates the size of the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] audience that may see the creative concepts or campaign content. Reach is the number of [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] exposed to an advertisement or social media post. It’s the number of people that saw your content. Reach estimates the percentage of the brand [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] population that mey be exposed to your advertising placement during the campaigns] for the brand, country and city [if the city is stated]. Use previous brand and competitor campaigns [based on the country and city when relevant] in digital marketing as a reference for estimating high possible REACH. . Factor 2 Digital Resonance in digital making inspires the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona], affects and makes [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] to take a positive digital action such as a click, like, buy, share, download or other relevant digital actions. The 5 short creative concepts and 1 wild card must reinforce a message and strike something within the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] that motivates them to participate in the campaign. Use previous brand and competitor campaigns [based on the country and city when relevant] in digital marketing as references for estimating high possible RESONANCE. Factor 3 Digital Relevance is needed to match content to the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] needs. Scores must be calculated based on the expected positive and negative engagement from the 5 short creative concepts and 1 wild card to reach the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona]. The 5 short creative concepts and 1 wild card concept must match the right message to the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona], the right time to the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona], the right platform to the [VARIABLE3:BUYER PERSONA], the match the right time to the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] and the right mood to the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona]. Use previous brand and competitor campaigns in digital marketing as references, too, for estimating high RELEVANCE. A wild card concept is an unconventional, unique, and innovative idea for a campaign or project that deviates from traditional approaches or strategies. This concept pushes the boundaries of creativity and stands out from other ideas, providing a fresh perspective or approach to a problem, product, or brand. The wild card concept may carry some risks due to its novelty. Still, it can also yield significant rewards by capturing the audience's attention and generating positive comments, actions, and buzz. The idea should be connected to the brand identity but offer a groundbreaking angle, reflecting the cultural zeitgeist and potentially incorporating emerging social media, technology, or innovation trends. There are 6 Sections That are Needed: SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS & ONE WILD CARD SECTION 2: FIVE CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS SECTION 3: ONE WILD CARD CONCEPT SECTION 4: THREE RECOMMENDED CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS SECTION 5: RATIONAL FOR THE RECOMMENDED 3 CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS SECTION 6: CAMPAIGN HISTORY SECTION 7: SOURCES The prompt is only finished when all 11 SECTIONS are complete. SECTION 1: SUMMARY SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS & ONE WILD CARD This must be written in short paragraphs, easily understood and applied. Here you summarise in three Points. Here you summarise key wow factors that the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] looks for in [PROMPT]; you write an overview of the critical research used, the method, and what scientific factors have been used, but you ONLY write this method and what scientific factors in SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS & ONE WILD CARD are used. You will write this in [TARGETLANGUAGE] in three paragraphs of a maximum of 30 words each on each paragraph in this SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS & ONE WILD CARD. The first 30-word paragraph, "Point 1” in SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS & ONE WILD CARD, states the [PROMPT] in a summarised way. The second 30-word paragraph in SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS & ONE WILD CARD is called “Point 2” and summarises the key findings of SECTION 2: FIVE CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS based on [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona]. In the second point, as a 30-word paragraph in SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS & ONE WILD CARD, there must be a #KillerInsight; you must write #KillerInsight, which is very important and exciting to the reader of SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS & ONE WILD CARD. #KillerInsight [The word #KillerInsight should be written in BOLD] A #KillerInsight is a true revelation about the buyer persona, why the buyer persona thinks what they think about this product based on the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona], behaves as they behave, and feels what they feel. The second 30-word paragraph should also suggest other products that might be preferred to the one that is the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona]. These preferred products should be based on the reviews that mention other products and why these other products might be better. The third and final 30-word paragraph is called “Point 3” in SECTION 1: SUMMARY OF CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS & ONE WILD CARD summarises the types of critical research, what scientific methods were used, and what scientific factors have been used and writes this third and final 30-word paragraph using scientific terminology that was applied and easy to understand. That's 3 short paragraphs, 30 words each, 90 words maximum. SECTION 2: FIVE CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS This must be written in a table format, and the table has 7 columns. Write 5 CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS in a table format based on a score from 1/100 -- 1 being very bad and 100 being perfect -- based on the probability that the concept will get great REACH, RESONANCE & RELEVANCE to the [VARIABLE1:Age: 18-24: 18-24|25-34|35-44|45-54] and [PROMPT][VARIABLE2:Launch Month: January:January|Febuary|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December][VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] and [PROMPT]. There should be 2 hashtags suggested for each of the 5 CAMPAIGN CONCEPTs and 2 emojis based on the 5 CAMPAIGN CONCEPTs relevant to the audience based on ESTIMATED REACH, ESTIMATED RESONANCE & ESTIMATED RELEVANCE to the audience based on [VARIABLE1:Age: 18-24: 18-24|25-34|35-44|45-54] and [PROMPT][VARIABLE2:Launch Month: January:January|Febuary|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December][VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] and [PROMPT]. Each CONCEPT BREAKDOWN breakdown should be 100 words. For ESTIMATED REACH, ESTIMATED RESONANCE & ESTIMATED RELEVANCE, you will write the predicted score as XX/100 CONCEPT NAME CONCEPT BREAKDOWN ESTIMATED REACH ESTIMATED RESONANCE ESTIMATED RELEVANCE HASHTAGS EMOJIS SECTION 3: ONE WILD CARD CONCEPT This must be written in a table format, and the table has 2 columns. The WILD CARD CONCEPT should be modern in its idea and connect to the brand identity. It should reflect the cultural zeitgeist-based on [VARIABLE1:Age: 18-24: 18-24|25-34|35-44|45-54] and [PROMPT][VARIABLE2:Launch Month: January:January|Febuary|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December][VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] and [PROMPT].. CONCEPT NAME CONCEPT RATIONAL SECTION 4: THREE RECOMMENDED CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS This must be written in a table format, and the table has 7 columns. Write 3 RECOMMENDED CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS in a grid format based on a score from 1/100 -- 1 being very bad and 100 being perfect -- based on the probability that the concept will get great ESTIMATED REACH, ESTIMATED RESONANCE & ESTIMATED RELEVANCE to [VARIABLE1:Age: 18-24: 18-24|25-34|35-44|45-54] and [PROMPT][VARIABLE2:Launch Month: January:January|Febuary|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December][VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] and [PROMPT]. CONCEPT NAME ESTIMATED REACH ESTIMATED RESONANCE ESTIMATED RELEVANCE SECTION 5: RATIONAL FOR THE RECOMMENDED 3 CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS This must be written in a table format, and the table has 2 columns. Write a RATIONAL FOR 3 CAMPAIGN CONCEPTS in a grid format that explains why this will work well for REACH, RESONANCE & RELEVANCE to the audience based on [VARIABLE1:Age: 18-24: 18-24|25-34|35-44|45-54] and [PROMPT][VARIABLE2:Launch Month: January:January|Febuary|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December][VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] and [PROMPT]. Use data and results from previous campaigns that the stated brand has done, if they have done any, to apply to the 5 short concepts. Based on what has worked well before based on [VARIABLE1:Age: 18-24: 18-24|25-34|35-44|45-54] and [PROMPT][VARIABLE2:Launch Month: January:January|Febuary|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December][VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] and [PROMPT]. CONCEPT NAME CONCEPT RATIONAL SECTION 6: CAMPAIGN HISTORY This must be written in a table format, and the table has 5 columns. List 5 campaigns that the [PROMPT] has done and 5 campaigns that the requested [PROMPT] competition has done and the name of the campaigns in the [PROMPT] in the last 5 years and name the brand and URLs of that campaign and write the year of each campaign in chronological order from newest latest to oldest. They must be relevant to the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona]. You will write a RECEPTION of that campaign that summarises how it was perceived by the [VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona] and any relevant news platform in that country. In simple terms, how successful that campaign was, its reception, write links to trusted and industry web pages that spoke about that campaign, including trusted news sources, forums or blogs. NAME BRAND CAMPAIGN SUMMARY YEAR URL RECEPTION SECTION 7: SOURCES This must be written in a table format, and the table has 3 columns. Write the absolute URLs of sources of data of research. The complete URLs of data sources should also use the research below from these universities and companies, but only when relevant. All other sources of information are welcome as long as they are from trusted sources of information. This is in a table format with 3 columns in this section. SOURCE NAME SOURCE URL SOURCE YEAR The output shall be in [TARGETLANGUAGE] [VARIABLE1:Age: 18-24: 18-24|25-34|35-44|45-54] and [PROMPT][VARIABLE2:Launch Month: January:January|Febuary|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December][VARIABLE3:Buyer Persona]
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